Home / Solar Kitchen

Solar Kitchen

SOLAR KITCHEN was successfully achieved on Jan 3rd, 2018

A solar kitchen for the Annadhanam food program will be replacing the wood fire stoves, that feed the thousands with Sripuram prasadam, saving trees and energy costs. Beloved Naraayani Inc. is working in conjunction with Green Sakthi to raise awareness and funds for this project. To find out more please see this PDF  Amma_Jayanthi_Solar_Kitchen_Gift  or click the pics below.

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Westpac Bank
Beloved Narayani Foundation
BSB: 032050
Account Number: 238785

To donate to Peedam via Green Sakthi —->>>

To celebrate our Beloved Amma’s Jayanthi on 3rd January 2018, we are fundraising for this very special cause – to offer the Divine, A Birthday Gift that will surely gladden Amma’s heart

The gift of a Solar Kitchen with the capacity to cook 1 tonne of rice a day —  which is enough to feed 20 000 people daily at Sripuram.

As many of you know, the seva of Anna Dhaanam (offering of food) is very close to Amma’s heart, because feeding one person is considered equivalent to neivedyam (feeding the Goddess).


Making sound ecological and financial sense

The impact of installing solar dishes on the rooftop of the Anna Dhaanam Hall at Sripuram will be that the kitchen will now be 100% non-polluting as it uses solar energy — which is freely available all year round, thus saving 3 million rupees annually in terms of funding and firewood (saving trees).


A one-time donation is all it takes

Your gift of a donation now will help launch this project in good time for the up-coming Amma Jayanthi celebrations. This is a one-off sevaopportunity like no other. Your energies invested here will be steaming-up and cooking the Anna (rice) in Anna Dhaanam! Day after day, year in and year out, your one-time offering will continue to keep on giving! How blessed to be playing a vital part in feeding so many people each day… to be providing joy to so many visitors.




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