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A funny thing happened on the way to Fiji…

Here’s a little story for you … from an Amma devotee who is going to attempt to remain nameless!

This week, during the Easter holidays, my family and I were meant to be going to Fiji.

All that would have been marvellous except that as you might know, there was recently a very awful and tragic flood in Fiji. This was bad enough to close the airport so that tourists couldn’t get in. Following on from this was an even worse situation, which was the risk of the outbreak of disease as a result of the floods and the ensuing crowding of the evacuations centres…

Anyway the long and the short of it is that as much as I needed and wanted a break, I am also a Cancerian mother with Mediterranean blood and there was no way on God’s green earth that I was going to take my baby (aka my son, aged 5) and hubby into a country where there was the slightest chance of disease. For me that wouldn’t be a holiday, it would be torture!

Bear with me, I am getting to the point. Anyway, I can tell you that much gnashing of teeth and wailing ensued at our house, because I was SO upset that I wasn’t going to get my much-looked-forward to holiday. I actually sat on the sofa and cried. Hubby was so concerned he started looking to see if we could use our Frequent Flyer points to go somewhere – anywhere! – else with sunshine and a pool. (I know, I know, talk about #middleclassproblems.

In the midst of all this, I took a card and got Vishnu – TRUST. But did I? Did I heck. As much as I know that things happen for a reason, I got caught up in the drama of it all and just wanted to know why I had manifested booking a trip to a country I was no longer willing to travel to!

So I took another card and got Athena – Detach from Drama. Ha. Yes, ok. And then I went back to trying to find another trip to replace the one we had had to cancel.

But nothing fell into place and nothing felt right. Slowly but surely my angst over it all started to dissipate. Hey it was the holidays and we were at home. Not that bad. A nice chance to relax together a little bit perhaps?

But wait, there’s more. On the night before we would have been due to fly, my son had a big temperature. On the day we would have been due to fly, he developed his first-ever ear infection (undoubtedly as a result of having been forced to listen to me carrying on like a pork chop for the past week about this…)

So on the evening of the day we would have been due to fly, we were not in the plane but rather at the GP who told us actually it was REALLY lucky our trip had been cancelled as it would have been very painful for our little guy to be up up and away.

Suddenly it all started to make sense. I ran into an Amma friend who is also going through some confusing times and talked to her about it. I said I find it SO hard to believe that I can forget to TRUST and DETACH FROM DRAMA. She nodded knowingly.

I do know that things mostly turn out for the best or so it seems, but sometimes when we are in the middle of it, it’s hardest to just surrender and expect the best.

I should have just said Om Namo Narayani. OBVIOUSLY!

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